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Mishandeling en bedrog

Review over RNC Wonen

De fixatie op mij door de man boven is nooit gestopt. Hij valt me nog steeds lastig. Opzettelijk hard trappen op de plek op de vloer boven mij als hij me er precies onder hoort praten, springen voor m'n kamerdeur van de trap, rennen op de trap snachts. Nog steeds bonken met gewichten. Dagelijks tegen vier of vijf uur s ochtends tot twaalf snachts of later. Op en neer rennend op de trap. Alles luid hoorbaar zelfs met de beste gehoorbescherming in. Geen geluidsisolatie want verhuurder vindt het duur. Autos duidelijk hoorbaar, medebewoner die fluistert, onderbewoners in de winkel. Niet te doen. Bijslapen of weer gaan slapen lukt niet. Het pand is niet geschikt voor bewoning, laat staan voor zoveel mensen en al helemaal niet voor gewichten en trap rennen. De rust waar huurders voor betalen en recht op hebben bestaat gewoon niet op deze manier.

Amper slaap, hoofdpijn de hele dag en ziekte daardoor. Zorgen maken over die intimiderende Pool die in een gehorig houten huis boven mij met gewichten loopt te stampen en dreunen, snachts ook.

Het is zinloos dat ik als enige steeds dan op sokken extra zachtjes loop, in principe met bijna alles muisstil probeer te zijn, dus daarmee ben ik gestopt. Daarom hoorden ze me niet lopen eerder, ik deed extra moeite. Het is heel makkelijk om sokken te dragen en niet te stampen, anderen niet te intimideren, het feit dat deze Polen dat laten is omdat ze dat niet willen doen. Praten is zinloos, ze weten beter maar weigeren. Anderen heb ik ook rustig horen lopen die hun kamer in gingen voor onderhoud. Het gestamp is dus bewezen opzettelijk en onnodig. Niemand gaat bovendien met gewichten aan de slag in een houten huurhuis. Ook nadat verhuurder met Polen sprak blijven ze daarmee doorgaan. Pure opzet en mishandeling van mij daarmee.

Inmiddels heb ik meer dan tweehonderd euro uitgegeven op zoek naar andere woonruimte maar woonruimte is vooralsnog bezet/ik werd niet gekozen.

Het contract staat dat woonruimte is voor 1 persoon. Lwugens, er is gewoon al een groep die overheerst en dat zijn die Polen. Vanaf dag 1 waren ze overlast en met veel teveel hier wonend tegen het contract in. Het is hun keuken, hun koelkast, hun wasmachine en hun droger. Dit is gewoon hun huis. Verhuurder zei dat die man met gewichten/intimidatie was gestopt. Dat hij met hem zou praten. Dat is geen permanente oplossing. Die Pool heeftentale gedragsproblemen. Je kan hem niet veranderen. Geen enkel sociaal/normaal type loopt te intimideren, lang staan in het donker voor mijn deur, anderen verhinderen te rusten en gebruiken waar ze voor betalen, achterna lopen omdat hij niet wil dat je verwarming oid aanraakt. Mijn leven wordt hier goed verziekt. Ik kom nu dan alsnog duurder uit per maand door de onvoorziene kosten. Ook wegens de mentale belasting met deze personen met gedragsproblematiek eist een zware tol. Ik ben belast met hun problemen, afhankelijk van hun kan ik pas even rusten. Elke dag moet ik wachten tot die Polen boven me eindelijk rustig zijn en stoppenet stampen/dreunen, schreeuwen in het trappenhuis/rennen. Bezoeken zouden 24 uur tevoren worden gemeld. Verhuurder komt zelf een kamer van een bewoner in die uitdrukkelijk dat niet wil omdat hij niet thuis is. Er is geen schoonmaakservice, terwijl dat er ook zou zijn. Gebreken aan het gehuurde en steeds stroom en lichtuitval. Steeds moet verhuurder met groepen vreemden en smoesjes op je kamer. Dringt hij zich op ook als je ziek bent of moet werken. Wordt je door hem lastig gevallen. Het contract komt niet overeen met de werkelijkheid. Ik lijd eronder, heb in vertrouwen ondertekend. Ik betaal met m'n gezondheid en veel teveel aangezien de afspraken niet zijn nagekomen en ik de enige ben die me eraan houd. De Polen wonen alsof het koningen zijn. Andere bewoners mogen niet met z'n velen huren, maar de Polen wel. Echt een misselijkmakende zooi die je nooit van je leven wil meemaken na onmogelijk lang zoeken naar goede woonruimte en een betrouwbare verhuurder. Andere woonruimte mét betrouwbare verhuurder is moeilijk te vinden en kost veel energie inzet en geld vooral. Verhuurders zijn overwegend onbetrouwbaar wegens de huizenmarkt crisis, vertrouw ik RNC denk ik eindelijk iets goeds te hebben gevonden en blijkt het toch nog een hel te zijn.
Het is slecht met en ik zou er nooit van mijn leven zijn gegaan had ik dit geweten. Dit is misleiding, verhuurder wist dat hij mij zou laten lijden onder de wensen van deze Polen die hij op handen draagt.


Review over Kamerland

These people will make you want to kill yourself. The landlord will not tell you everything before you rent a room, you will be mislead. A lesbian woman lives in one of their rooms. Also a mental ill patient who hears voices will need to feel she has to act against you along with the lesbian. She also will spread lies about you and harass you from the moment you move into that house. The lesbian does jobs for the landlord for free and thus has illusions the place belongs to her. That new tenants come live for her pleasure in that house and have to be subordinate to her. She even says that she has the longing to take care of the tenants, something you never wanted and asked for as an independent person. She will feel the need to touch your hair when she doesn't even know you and you're a new tenant. She will wait for you at night when you come home after a long exhausting workday and confront you with and accuse you of things that don't even involve you. For months she stays without a job meanwhile stalking you in the house, watching your every move and telling the other tenants to also do that. You will feel raped and nasty after she sexually touched and looks at you. You will feel the uncontrollable urge to vomit every time she forces herself on to you. She will wait for you to enter the shared spaces in the house along with her daughter who also lives in the house and if you enter they will listen if they heard you and than also enters the shared space. They will not stop doing it because the lesbian is sexually motivated and exhibits predatory behaviour and has personal mental problems and her daughter lives with her man in the house in one tiny room but is afraid you will tell the landlord about it. Just like the other (new) tenants also living with almost their whole family in one tiny room. Homeless people coming from Poland and Brazil. You will feel disgusted and raped by the lesbian. She will be keeping invading your privacy in every way possible, along with her daughter and other friends. Trying to be close to you in every sick way possible. Although you do everything in your power to keep your distance. It will not help and the landlord will not take action. The lesbian will slam with her door all the time when she notices you're doing homework. The slamming will continue for years along with harassment and abuse by other tenants, even after the landlord talked to her. Every time you will get a shock and your heart pounds when she smacks/slams/throws her door. She will put the boiler of when you shower so you freeze from the cold shower. She will walk in the house up and down a lot, smoke and make the house smell, she smells of alcohol from a distance. She takes keys from the shared kitchen door so you can't use it, removes and replaces without reason shared utilities like the fridge and laundry machine from the kitchen, she technically makes the dryer not function so you aren't able to use it. She will say that she removed the refrigerator because of you wanting to poison her, meanwhile she stole that fridge to put it in her daughters house. This polish lesbian lady will bother you for nothing than the only possible thing she seems to want and that is sex with or sexual attention from you. There is no other explanation because you never have contact with her and you don't know her but only rent a room from the landlord. Other tenants put their food outside in the winter because the fridge is stolen by the lesbian, and there is no other way to keep their food cold. She opens and damages your private delivered post package on purpose which she knows isn't addressed to her. You will need to call the police many times on her but they'll do nothing because of lack of evidence and the lies she spreads about you. She looks between your legs when you walk out of the shower half naked. Looks at your private parts when you are bended taking your laundry out of the washer/dryer. When you walk away and she thinks you don't notice, she comes to look at your private parts again when you are wearing shorts. I have been mistreated abused and unwillingly intimate touched by her. Other tenants go along with her because the power she gets from the landlord who doesn't mind her misbehaving, she also obtrudes and imposes herself to new tenants by "repairing" their new room for them. If you don't need her "help" as a new tenant, she is suprised in a mad way. The landlord and his wife find you need to be thankful for the lesbian woman "repairing" the house. Other tenants stay with their friends and family in one tiny room although that is prohibited. And all those people will be taking too much space so you can't live properly and use facilities that you pay for. You stay almost two days in your room to escape from the lesbian and her gang tenants. I buy my food, don't cook, have less showers than I need, even when I have my period. I got worms from all those take away food. I even can't brush my teeth properly, I brush my teeth only once daily in my garbage bin. My room stinks. Tenants turn the heat up extremely high and the rental house with their stinking garbage in it becomes a smelly dessert and they and the landlord and his wife will forbid you to ventilate the place and open a door for fresh air, they will stalk you and harass you, inspite they are not allowed to because you pay for it and you also don't bother them when they use facilities what they pay for. The landlord's wife lies and does as if she knows everything. Lies about you and previous tenants to other tenants so there comes escalations between them, she puts people up against each other. It will cost you a lot of money and misery. You can't sleep and eat from all the sorrow and your body will ache from all the things you go through. Although you are doing well and are quiet, minding your own business, they will make your life a living hell. They spread lies to the judge, police and everyone about me so I needed to go to jail. Of course the police and head of the judges will see through all the lies and set me free. But all the damage that has been done to me is irreversible. Don't put your life at risk, stay away from this malicious landlord and his even worse wife. He will bother you with his wife and watch you with his car from the street because you must not open a door for ventilation. If you do, he'll tell the tenants to call him and he'll come close the door with his wife. Although you haven't opened it, they will harass you and blame you for it. Previous tenants opened the door during the whole night, the landlord never came in spite of your complaints. But now that he has another business plan, he'll want to remove you and because of that harass you together with the rest of the tenants. The only thing he does with your complaints is safe than and use the bad complaints against you in court. He and his wife and tenants will also copy the way you defend yourself against them. If you get a lawyer, they also do. If you file a real complaint at the police office, they will go to the police too but with lies. If you evaluate the bad way the landlord acts, he'll make sudden change for as long as the court case against you that he started will last. For example he never hired someone to clean the garden, suddenly he did now. I begged him to take over wifi access, because tenants who managed it couldn't handle it (sometimes there was no internet, and I need wifi all the time for freelance work). Suddenly he manages the internet in the rental now, when I long have my own wifi provider. He clearly wants to make it look as if he's a responsible landlord when it's clearly not the case; he just suddenly fakes a good impression to outsiders. Everything you say as a complaint will be like a give away consultation to them. Even this review, when they read it, will give them evil ideas on which they'll act immediately. You'll notice when they read this review because suddenly you'll see some changes (for example they'll remove their food which they put outside to keep cold and fresh because the lesbian stole the fridge). That way they'll think they can tell everyone that you lied about your observations. So keep quiet and don't waste your intelligence on them. Long before tenants were breaking the rules of the contract, people/neighbours were complaining about tenants. Never did the landlord do something. He keeps the lesbian woman in the house because he gains from her "reparations" in the house and he will want to keep her for that and want to loose you because you only pay rent and don't work/repair things for him for free. This scene is very common where landlords suddenly come up with plans and than remove one or more tenants in order to place other people in the building to rent. He also communicated this clearly to you, but to the judge and police he and his wife and the lesbian and tenants clan, will lie and make the judge, police and every neighbor believe that you are the agressor. You are just renting a room like them, but the tenants who play against the rules will own/occupy the place and not only rent it. They will sit in the kitchen for eight hours straight or more. Everyday, morning, noon and night so you stay in your room like a prisoner. They will block your ability to use the dryer and go into your kitchen closet, because they will stand in front of the kitchen closet, sit in front of the dryer or on the kitchen table. The place will be too crowded and the landlord will do nothing to make the contract rules get complied to. You won't be able to make (normal) use of shared facilities, you have no privacy with constant strangers/men in the house. When you shower, they will knock agressive on the only badroomdoor because they and their family have to shower. Family which don't pay a dime to live or even shower there. Even men you will see walking halfnaked in their underwear, men standing closely behind you with a grimmed face because they want you to hurry up when you use the kitchen tap. These strangers live there for free and expect you who are a tenant to lessen the use of facilities that you pay for!! Some tenants cook in their rooms and wash their dishes in the shower out of necessity, because they don't even get the chance to use the kitchen stove. A previous tenant had to reserve (!) the bathroom every Wednesday or else she couldn't do her hygiene properly. She also moved out because she felt lonely always having to eat on her room by herself and seeing other tenants always filling the space with their family and friends. The kitchen is constantly occupied by strangers/non tenants and the group of tenants that bother and harass you the whole time. Previous tenants left without paying rent and you will wonder why. But as you stay longer, or even in the first weeks you will get your answer. Every day will be a battle because you need to walk on your toes, hold your camera ready out of protection because you know these people will be there even if you only leave your room. The whole building is old and wooden, so every step you take is being heard by other tenants. The landlord doesn't meet his responsibilities, but when you forget to pay rent only once by accident, he will be there to knock on your door to order you to pay. This seems much, but isn't even close to the complete whole story. There is much more damage done and misconduct going on. Your health will get damaged and that's something you cannot buy new. Your whole whole being will be at risk and you'll become suicidal from all the stress and pressure. Private information about you being a non native who is awaiting residence papers, will be used against and lied about to everyone by the landlord and his wife and other tenants. You will not have every capability to defend yourself because of your awaiting residency, and these criminals know that and know you can't also not move out for some time. That vulnerable information will be misused and used against you. So if you value your life, you stay away from these criminals. I only rented a room and now I have health, image, financial, traumatic and other devastating problems which I didn't have before moving into residency from Late at night at 3 o'clock when you can't sleep for the thousandth time out of misery, you will be writing this review. The moment you defend yourself for the thousandth time against these tenants, police believe their lies although they see you are hurt also and you will be unjustly taken into custody. Those more than 24 hours in jail will make you go almost mentally insane, rob you from all your self worth, destroys your image you have worked for all your live, makes you feel raped again over and over again. If it wasn't for the ability to take the police to court for their unlawful behaviour, you would commit suicide because all your dignity will be taken away from you, and you will search for answers why the tenants who harass you for years are treated like princesses by police and you are put in jail, inspite you have been asking the police, landlord and other authorities for help for years about your harassment. And it is completely evident that you are being held in custody unrighteous. But the answer you search for will never come; it is just plain and simple partiality of both the police, the landlord and every other authority that put you there. In the end you will lose everything. Every investment you have made, while being quietly working hard and minding your own business, will be gone. Instead of gaining from your investments, you will need to spend huge amounts of money to cover the unseen expenses which come with all the damage you get from only renting a room from

Sterke punten

Abuse/extremely bad

Review over Kamerland

Also a mental ill patient who hears voices will need to feel she has to act against you along with the lesbian. She also will spread lies about you and harass you from the moment you move into that house.
